The FBCA issues response to the EU’s Biodiversity Strategy
May 20, 2020
The FBCA supports an ambitious Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 to halt global biodiversity loss.
“FBCA supports measures that promote the sustainable use of forest, agriculture, marine, freshwater and urban ecosystems, and integrate biodiversity considerations, such as sustainable sourcing and supply chain requirements into all circular economy policies,” said Annick Carpentier, Director General of FBCA. “Forest based materials are renewable and contribute to climate neutrality when the raw material comes from sustainably well managed forests. We encourage all value-chains to take actions to ensure sustainable sourcing of all raw materials to internationally recognized and credible, sustainable forest management standards that promote and protect biodiversity” continued Ms. Carpentier.
The beverage carton industry has long been at the forefront of promoting sustainable sourcing of its raw materials. In 2015, FBCA Members achieved their voluntary commitment to only use wood fibres from legal and acceptable sources which are covered by certified traceability systems. The companies also voluntarily committed to secure 100% Chain of Custody certification for all their production sites.
“Europe already demonstrates its leadership with regards to sustainable sourcing of forestry-based resources. This is a competitive advantage to further build on. However, we see a need to further increase the knowledge base on the state of biodiversity and how it develops over time in Europe. We call for a more solid knowledge base that could make a positive contribution to the general debate on how the bio economy should best develop. We therefore support efforts to ensure solid data in this field is included to realize this competence in ecology and information technology needed to cooperate,” concluded Ms. Carpentier.
By continuing to use recognised science-based targets on reduction of greenhouse gases and sustainably sourced materials based on internationally recognized standards, the members of FBCA remain committed to contributing to a low carbon circular economy.