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FKN educative videos on the Life Cycle Assessment and high recyclability of a beverage carton.

July 20, 2023

The German Association for the Beverage Cartons (FKN - has produced two interesting and educative videos on the Life Cycle Assessment of a beverage carton and one on the high recyclability of this packaging. Please find the short text and the links to the videos below.

The LCA of Beverage Cartons – an eco-friendly beverage packaging. Follow this LINK.

Beverage cartons have very low CO2 emissions, are easy to recycle and provide excellent protection for their contents from oxygen and light. In addition, they weigh much less than glass bottles and consist largely of a renewable material.

Learn about the entire life cycle of the beverage carton. This ecologically advantageous packaging performs equally well in terms of life cycle assessment for juices as reusable glass bottles. For milk, its result is even better – as an official Life Cycle Assessment, provided by the renowned German ifeu Institute Heidelberg shows. This LCA was also approved by the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA). The life cycle assessment scientifically examines the environmental impact of various beverage containers throughout their entire life cycle.

Beverage cartons – a highly recyclable packaging. Follow this LINK.

Beverage cartons are highly recyclable. Palurec, a recycling plant for plastic and aluminium components from beverage cartons, has been ensuring this since 2021. According to the scenario, from 2025 onwards, all beverage cartons on the German market can be 90% or more recyclable, if only due to Palurec and its recycling of polyethylene and aluminium from beverage cartons.

What effects the operation of the so-called PE-Alu- recycling has on the recyclability of beverage cartons was investigated by the Federal Environment Agency through the Gesellschaft für Verpackungsmarktforschung mbH (GVM). The study called „Ermittlung des Anteils hochgradig recyclingfähiger systembeteiligungspflichtiger Verpackungen auf dem deutschen Markt“ („Determining the share of highly recyclable packaging subject to system participation on the German market“) was published in February 2023. Specifically, the study calculates that 71.8% of beverage cartons could be recycled at between 90 and 95%. 28.2% could even achieve recyclability beyond the 95% mark.

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